by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Feb 17, 2014 | Geen categorie
What priority does data quality have in your marketing strategy? spotONvision interviews to Kees Henniphof, Senior Manager New Customers at ServiceNow. Kees is one of the speakers at the B2B Marketing Forum this year. According to Kees data should be top priority....
by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Feb 6, 2014 | Geen categorie
Last week I interviewed Kieran Flanagan. Kieran will be visiting The Netherlands in March to speak at our B2B Marketing Forum. US-based company Hubspot has been very successful in creating a love story between marketing and sales and has faced revenues growth of more...
by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Dec 10, 2013 | Geen categorie
Recently I had a conversation with Paul Doody, VP Sales and Marketing at Iron Mountain. What intrigued me is the fact that his role combines 2 almost rivalry departments -at least in some B2B organizations Sales and Marketing are not best of friends-. As a VP Sales...
by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Feb 4, 2012 | Geen categorie
The question Michael Brenner gets asked most is not how he does it, but when he does it. Brenner is Senior Director Integrated Marketing at SAP and also founder of, a valuable knowledgebase of B2B marketing insights. Not only does he have a...