by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Feb 17, 2014 | Geen categorie
What priority does data quality have in your marketing strategy? spotONvision interviews to Kees Henniphof, Senior Manager New Customers at ServiceNow. Kees is one of the speakers at the B2B Marketing Forum this year. According to Kees data should be top priority....
by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Feb 6, 2014 | Geen categorie
Last week I interviewed Kieran Flanagan. Kieran will be visiting The Netherlands in March to speak at our B2B Marketing Forum. US-based company Hubspot has been very successful in creating a love story between marketing and sales and has faced revenues growth of more...
by Ingrid Archer | Jan 29, 2014 | Geen categorie
In the run-up to the B2B marketing forum 2014 Shimon Ben Ayoun (spotONvision) spoke to expert and keynote speaker Laura Patterson. Her carrier started twenty years ago in sales and now she is marketing consultant. Laura is a marketing pioneer and is recognized as a...
by Ingrid Archer | Jan 15, 2014 | Geen categorie
Alignment between marketing and sales pays off: it generates more new clients with fewer leads, more turnover and better client retention. It is with good reason that we hear more and more often that a good relationship between marketing and sales is essential. This...
by Shimon Ben Ayoun | Dec 10, 2013 | Geen categorie
Recently I had a conversation with Paul Doody, VP Sales and Marketing at Iron Mountain. What intrigued me is the fact that his role combines 2 almost rivalry departments -at least in some B2B organizations Sales and Marketing are not best of friends-. As a VP Sales...
by Ingrid Archer | Mar 14, 2013 | Geen categorie
Today, at the B2B Marketing Forum in Amsterdam, we’re launching the new report Business Buyer Insights 2013 by spotONvision and TNS-NIPO. It’s not always easy for B2B marketers to understand the buyer and understand how the buyer makes decisions. “Why is...
by Ingrid Archer | Mar 14, 2013 | Geen categorie
17.20 uur: That’s all folks We zijn klaar voor vandaag! Een dag vol goede adviezen voor/over B2B marketing. Ging het allemaal te snel vandaag? Lees het allemaal nog eens rustig terug op deze blog. En dan is het nu tijd voor een borrel… 16.55 uur: De...
by Ingrid Archer | Mar 6, 2013 | Geen categorie
While we all hear that we should segment our marketing efforts, John Watton, director of marketing of behavioural marketing automation company Silverpop in Europe, wants us to go above and beyond. At the B2B Marketing Forum on 14 March his talk has the interesting...
by Ingrid Archer | Feb 26, 2013 | Geen categorie
With all the hype about content marketing online, it seems as if it’s a new trend in marketing. The truth is, that even though the importance of online content for SEO and social media has put a new focus on content, the concept of marketing through content has been...
by Ingrid Archer | Feb 20, 2013 | Geen categorie
Getting to know your future customer is somewhat like courting. You need to determine who will be your ideal mate, who can influence your future spouse and who will ultimately be paying for the marriage. At Philips Healthcare they have thoroughly studied how to ensure...